Goosen Genealogy

Goosen's around the world!

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Report: Individuals: birth frequency by calendar months

         Description: individuals: birth frequency by calendar months, one = equals 50 people

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# Month_of_Birth number_of_month_of_birth Total Graphic
1 January  900  ================== 
2 February  889  ================== 
3 March  912  ================== 
4 April  868  ================= 
5 May  850  ================= 
6 June  833  ================= 
7 July  808  ================ 
8 August  903  ================== 
9 September  860  ================= 
10 October  10  881  ================== 
11 November  11  809  ================ 
12 December  12  891  ==================